Do you engage well with people who are using your site? Certainly you should have your contact details prominently displayed, and offer opportunities for people to fill out an enquiry form, but how about chatting live with people who are on your site?
A couple of months ago we found some software that does just that. A lot of people who offer an online support/chat service charge you a monthly fee for using it. Over time this mounts up and can end up being fairly costly. The software we found is free to use in its basic form, all you need is for someone to install it, host it and explain how it works.. and this is where we come in!
If you’re reading this on our site you should see our live chat box in the left hand sidebar. We have some software on our computers in the office which tells us when we have a visitor to our site. We can see where they have come from Eg Google, what search term they typed in to find us, Eg Web Design Bath, and what pages they are viewing on our site. We can follow them and see how they’re navigating the site and we can start an online chat with them if we think they need help.
It works really well for us, but imagine if you had a site that sold online. You can see what product people are looking at and you can start a chat with them to help you. This could set you apart from your competition and help you seal the deal.
For a limited time, we’ll configure, host and install this software for you for just £149. We’ll show you how to install the software on the PCs in your office and we’ll embed the functionality on your website.
If you want a demonstration then just get in touch with us. Maybe start a chat with us by clicking the box or view our contact details here.